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5 Great Tools To Use For Your SEO (no experience necessary!)

Start Checking Your SEO Now- For FREE!

5 Great Tools Beginners Can Use Without Knowing Code!

Using these tools is a good way to check if your SEO Specialist is really doing anything for you, besides cashing your checks. It also helps to familiarize you with your website’s general health without knowing anything about coding or website building. These tools are for everyone from beginner to advanced, free and instant. So, let’s get going!

  1. SerpRobot- This is a free tool which tells you what position your website is in for your chosen keyword. Click on the blue tab- Free Serp check. This will take you to a new page. You will see a space to enter your url (web address) and below it you can add 5 of your top keywords. Fill out the captcha to show you aren’t a robot, and voila! On the upper right side you will see your keyword and the position you rank for in Google. 
  2. ahrefs – This is another free tool which tells you your domain authority score on a scale of 1- 100, and what backlinks you have. Fast and easy- self- explanatory.
  3. Ubersuggest- This is a free tool which is competing with the well known paid tool ahrefs. It offers everything from keyword research to amount of traffic for certain keywords, your competitors’ positions in the searches and more. The only thing I don’t like about this tool is that it asks for access to your Google Search Console, which for me is kind of private. My stats are my business, unless I choose to share!
  4. Moz Link Explorer- Love this tool. It tells you your domain authority, your backlinks- dofollow and nofollow lists and more. You can also check Moz Local to see how your website stacks up for local listings. Free, but yo have to sign up with name and email- easy peasy- and well worth it!
  5. Google Search Console – log into your google account and you can add a property (website url) you own through a fairly simple process. Once added you can check to see if google has any penalties on your site, what your backlinks are, and if your pages are indexed in google, to name a few.


If you want to give your website a quick SEO Boost- ping it out to a massive amount of search engines by using the tool Prepostseo. Simply go to the page, add your category in the given space, add your url and click the ping tab. You will get a report of over 60 search engines your page was sent to. This is particularly good to help a newly published web page to get indexed faster in Google.

EXTRA Bonus!

Gtmetrix- this is an optimization measuring tool which tells you the speed scores for your website, among other things. The scores are in plain English, but the specifics are meant more for developers because they tell you exactly what needs to be fixed to improve your optimization scores. If you do one thing and only one thing to check your search engine optimization- use this tool to see what your loading time is. If it is over 4 seconds, you need to work on your website to improve it.